Sunday, 9 October 2016

Join us at Court!

It may be getting colder outside but things here at the Equal Civil Partnerships Campaign are hotting up. In less than a month, my partner Charles Keidan and I take our case to the Court of Appeal! 

We would be honoured if you could join us outside the Court of Appeal in London as the hearing begins on Wednesday 2nd November. Let’s celebrate our shared cause together and show judges and policymakers alike how much this means to us all. 

We’ll be gathering outside the court at 9.00am for breakfast and photos, complete with lots of giant cut-out hearts! You can sign up here or just turn up on the day. The press may ask to interview couples who want a civil partnership, so if that’s you and you’re happy to be interviewed, please drop us a line: 

Date: Wednesday 2nd November
Time: 9am
Place: Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand, London

We want to make the day as colourful as we can so we’re going to be putting our art skills to the test by creating lots of large cut-out hearts for the occasion. Please join us for that if you can on Tuesday 18th October - otherwise make your own at home and bring them along. Sign up here

Positive Progress 

There’s been lots of positive progress over the last few months. The Isle of Man has introduced same-sex marriage and different-sex civil partnerships, showing how easy and possible it is to attain full relationship equality. Why can’t England and Wales be next? 

The number of MPs and other prominent people backing our cause has also continued to grow. MPs from all parties are calling for civil partnerships to be open to all. So too are public figures, like the writer Owen Jones, as well as organisations including Liberty and TUC Women. 

Every ounce of pressure counts. That’s why we would dearly like to see your show of support during our hearing. 

It’s only with all your support that we’ve come this far - and that we’ll be able to go further. 

Thank you all and warm wishes from all of us here at the campaign, 

Rebecca and Charles 

@beccasteinfeld & @charleskeidan

#equalcivilpartnerships #equallove 

PS - If you haven't already done so, please consider donating to the campaign via this link