Monday, 27 February 2017

“My overall conclusion: the appellants are right” – and yet we lost

Below is a copy of my partner Charlie's and my update to our supporters on regarding the narrow loss of our Court of Appeal challenge to the UK government's continued bar on mixed-sex civil partnerships:


Dear supporters, 

We are sorry to tell you that the Court of Appeal has gone against us. But we lost so narrowly that there’s everything to fight for. 

All three judges agreed that we’re being treated differently because of our sexual orientation, and that this impacts our private and family life. All three rejected the argument that we could ‘just get married.’ All three emphasized that the government cannot maintain the status quo for much longer – they are on borrowed time. 

Lady Justice Arden accepted our case on almost every point. She stated:
“My overall conclusion: the appellants are right” 

In the end though, Lady Justice Arden’s fellow judges concluded that the government should be allowed just a little more time to make a decision. It is on that technicality that we lost by two votes to one. 

We are deeply disappointed by the ruling and very sorry not to be able to share better news. But there is much in the ruling, together with your incredible support, that gives us reason to be positive and keep going. 

We remain determined to go on. Opening civil partnerships to all is fair, popular, and will be good for families and children. Over three million mixed-sex couples, with two million dependent children, cohabit in the UK. Yet this fastest-growing family type lacks legal and financial security. That isn’t right. None of us should be denied recognition or protection because marriage isn’t right for us. 

So while the campaign for civil partnerships gains more political support, we plan to challenge this ruling in the Supreme Court. But to do so, we need your help. An appeal to the Supreme Court will cost us at least £25,000. We want to go on, but we don’t have the financial resources to do it alone. 

So please, if you can, donate now: 

If each of you gave only £10, we could go forward with much less stress. 

Defeat today is hard to accept. But it has also given us a chance to regroup, rally, and emerge stronger. Together we can make this change possible.

Thank you all for your ongoing support, 

Rebecca and Charles