Friday, 3 March 2017

Workshops on Brit Milah and Brit Shalom at the JCC in Zurich on Sunday 19th March

I'm thrilled to have been invited to present at an emancipation-themed Jewish day of learning at the JCC in Zurich on Sunday 19th March. I'll be presenting two sessions, one on Brit Milah and the other on Brit Shalom. 

Here are my session descriptions:

(13:45 – 15:00)
Brit Milah is a profoundly meaningful Jewish practice imbued with great religious and cultural value. For many Jews, it is an ancient covenant that affirms their son’s Jewish identity and belonging. At the same time, some Jews are questioning the practice, reflecting broader discussions taking place across Europe and beyond. In this session, we will explore these debates, and learn more about the ethical and scientific research on circumcision. The session is open to all: those who would/did circumcise their son, those who have reservations, and those who have never before considered the question.
(15:30 – 16:45)
Many parents welcome their newborn child into the Jewish community with a formal ceremony. While most perform Brit Milah for boys (in a variety of settings), others are turning to non-surgical and/or gender-inclusive ceremonies like Brit Shalom. In this practical session, we will learn about different types of baby-welcoming ceremonies being used in Jewish communities. We will discuss different possible structures for such ceremonies, how to incorporate Jewish and other content, and learn about some related prayers, psalms and songs. Participants are invited to share their experiences, ideas and insights.
Here's a link to the program